Frequently asked questions about The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany
“I’ve never been to an Episcopal church. What should I expect on my first visit? If I don’t know how to participate, is there someone who will help me?”
When you arrive, you will be met by a greeter who will welcome you with a smile, of-fer you a worship bulletin, answer any questions you have, and help you find your way to the sanctuary, the nursery, and restrooms. If you like, they can also find someone to sit with you and explain anything that is unfamiliar. Please sit anywhere you like.
At the 8:00 service, we use The Book of Common Prayer, Rite I (the red book in the pew rack). Page numbers are announced. There is no music at the 8:00 a.m. service. The 10:30 a.m. service uses Rite II, and there is music from the blue hymnal. Both services use a printed service booklet to guide through the Sunday Eucharist.
The lessons for the day are also printed in the worship booklet at both the 8 and 10:30 a.m. Eucharist. At the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist, the hymns are also posted on the hymn board located to your right in the front of the church.
If you are familiar with Roman Catholic or Lutheran services, you will find our worship quite familiar. If you are from a non-liturgical church background, listen and ob-serve, participate as you are comfortable, and ask questions. It won’t take long for you to feel right at home.
“What should I wear?”
Clothes and shoes. Seriously. Some people like to dress up to come to church. Some men wear suits and ties; more wear open-collar shirts and jackets. Some women wear skirts or slacks. Some people wear shorts or jeans. Gathering to praise and worship God is far more important than what you wear.
“Will I be asked to introduce myself or do anything that might make me uncomfortable?”
No, you will not. At the passing of the peace, people around you will greet you and may offer a handshake or a hug. They may introduce themselves then or after the service. You need not do anything that would make you uncomfortable.
“I see people crossing themselves. What does it mean? Am I expected to do that?”
Crossing oneself, or making the sign of the cross, is optional. There are many customs in the Episcopal Church that fall into the category of “all may, some should, none must.” This is one of them. We worship with our mind, body and spirit. Involving our body in worship may include making the sign of the cross, kneeling or standing for prayer, standing to sing, and genuflecting or bowing when leaving the pew for Communion. People who choose to make the sign of the cross generally do so when giving or receiving a blessing, at the absolution (forgiveness of sins), and at mention of the Trinity and the resurrection.
“What do you call your clergy?”
Most people call our priest Father Matt. Some people are more comfortable using the rector’s first name, and that is OK. “Reverend” is used as a title when referring to clergy in the third person.
“I would like to talk with the priest before I visit. How do I make an appointment?”
Call the church office (337-369-9966) between 9:00 and 3:00 Tuesday-Friday to schedule an appointment with Father Matt or email [email protected].
“What does ‘Episcopal’ mean?”
“Episcopos” is the Greek word for bishop. “Episcopal” means governed by bishops.
“What does it mean to be Episcopalian?”
We believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person. The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion and traces its heritage to the beginnings of Christianity. Our liturgy retains ancient structure and traditions. Both men and women, including those who are married, can be ordained as deacons, priests, and bishops. Lay people (the non-ordained people at a church) have a vital role in the governance and ministry of our church. We believe in the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. We uphold the Bible and worship with The Book of Common Prayer. We celebrate our unity in Christ while honoring our differences, always putting the work of love before uniformity of opinion. All are welcome to find a spiritual home here. (For more information, visit
“What does it mean that the Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion?”
The Episcopal Church was established in America shortly after the American Revolution. Before that time, we were the Church of England. When the American colonies won their independence, most of America’s Anglican clergy refused to swear allegiance to the British monarch as was required by the Church of England. As a result, the Episcopal Church was formed, and because after a few years the Episcopal Church remained in relationship with the Church of England, the Anglican Communion came into existence. Today, the Anglican Communion has more than 80 million members in 44 regional and national member churches in more than 160 countries.
The archbishop of Canterbury is the spiritual head of the Anglican Communion and is considered “first among equals” within the Anglican Communion. The archbishop does not have the same authority within the Anglican Communion that the pope has in the Roman Catholic Church.
“Do you read the Bible?”
Indeed we do. Two or more passages of scripture are read aloud at each of our Sunday and Wednesday, services. On Sundays, we follow the order of scriptures in the Re-vised Common Lectionary (RCL), which is a three-year cycle of scriptures to use during worship. (You can learn more about the RCL at
Some people read the Daily Office, a cycle of scripture readings that covers most of the Bible in two years.
“What is The Book of Common Prayer?”
The Book of Common Prayer (the BCP or the prayer book) is a rich resource for corporate worship and private devotion. The BCP provides orders of corporate and individual worship and prayer for clergy and the laity (the people). It is grounded in Holy Scripture and is faithful to the early church. The BCP contains two comprehensive schedules of readings from the Bible (the RCL and the Daily Office) as well as the Psalter (the entire book of Psalms in a translation that predates the King James Version), and many other beautiful and meaningful prayers. There is also an Outline of the Faith, which answers many questions about what we believe.
The Book of Common Prayer is not an “Anglican Bible,” though it does include many passages of scripture. We are guided by the BCP in our worship, we are aided by it in our devotional practices, and we love it. But it does not replace the Bible. (For more details, including a free PDF of the prayer book, go to
“What are the sacraments of the Episcopal Church?”
The two sacraments of the Gospel are Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist. Five more sacramental rites are confirmation, ordination, marriage, the reconciliation of a penitent (confession), and the anointing or laying on of hands of the sick.
“Wait. You have confession?”
Yes. The Rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent is offered by any Episcopal priest. We do not, however, have confessionals, and we don’t require private confession. Except during Easter season, most public worship services include a prayer of confession followed by an absolution.
“Does the Episcopal Church baptize infants?”
Yes. Infants are baptized because we believe the grace given at baptism is for everyone and should not be reserved until one can make a profession of faith. Baptism is a sacrament that confers membership in the Body of Christ and offers a child the opportunity to live and grow in the midst of the Christian community of the church. Parents, godparents, and the witnessing community take on the solemn responsibility for the child’s religious training and commit to raising the child in the Christian faith. Baptism is just the beginning. At each baptism, each of us renews our own baptismal covenant.
“What does the Episcopal Church believe about divorce?”
We affirm that committed relationships are lifelong and monogamous. Episcopalians also recognize that some relationships are unhealthy and must end. We believe there is grace after divorce, and we do not deny the sacraments to those who have been divorced.
“Would I be really welcomed at The Church of the Epiphany? I am ____ (gay, a minority, divorced, tattooed, conservative, liberal, non-Christian …).”
When we say “the Episcopal Church welcomes you,” we really mean it. We have active members who are Republicans, Democrats, and undeclared. We have active members who are young, old, white, black, native-born, immigrant, straight, gay, and tattooed. Our members are employed, self-employed, laid off, retired, and disabled. We are a community that reflects the diversity of God’s creation and God’s love. Non-Christians also find a welcome here. Several members have spouses of other faiths who attend periodically.
“I have already been baptized in another church. Do I have to be baptized again?"
The Episcopal Church recognizes all baptisms done with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We do not re-baptize. If you are unsure whether you have been baptized, we will do a conditional baptism, saying, “If you are not already baptized, then I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
“What do I have to do to join? Do I need to attend classes? To become an Episcopalian, do I have to be confirmed?”
First, if you are already a member of an Episcopal Church, call and make an appointment with Father Matt to discuss membership. The Church Office will then request a transfer of your letter of membership from the Church you previously attended. Second, if you are not Episcopalian and would like to join The Church of the Epiphany, classes are provided in the fall and the spring to orient interested individuals into what it means to be a member of the Episcopal Church. After participating in our Episcopal Church 101 classes, you will then be received or confirmed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Western Louisiana upon his next visit to The Church of the Epiphany. That’s all there is to it.
“I’d really be more comfortable just attending for a while without making a commitment. Can I do that?”
You certainly may, for as long as you like. In fact, we’d recommend you attend one or more of our services for a month or more before deciding if you want Epiphany to be your church home. Then make an appointment with the Rector to ask any questions you may have about becoming a member or an active participant in our ministries.
“How do Episcopalians worship? What is your order of service?”
Worship in the Episcopal Church is liturgical. Liturgy means “work of the people,” and our worship seeks to engage us in body, mind, and spirit. The liturgy for Sundays has two parts. The Liturgy of the Word consists of prayers, scripture readings and a sermon, an affirmation of faith (the Nicene Creed), confession and absolution, and an exchange of peace (greeting one another in the name of Christ). The second part of the service is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It begins with the offerings of the congregation and continues with the Eucharistic Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, the consecration of the bread and wine, Communion, a concluding prayer of thanksgiving, a blessing, and a dismissal.
If you are familiar with Roman Catholic or Lutheran services, you will find our worship quite familiar. If you are from a non-liturgical church background, listen and observe, participate as you are comfortable, ask questions. It will not take long for the liturgy to become quite meaningful to you.
“What is the Holy Eucharist? Why do you do it every Sunday? Do you use real wine?”
We do have Eucharist (Communion) every Sunday. Holy Eucharist is a practice that dates from the first century and was instituted by Jesus at supper with his disciples on the night before his crucifixion. In the Eucharist, consecrated bread and wine become for us the Body and Blood of Christ given to God’s people and received by faith. In it, we receive forgiveness of our sins and strength in our union with Christ and one an-other so that we may go forth to serve the world in Christ’s name.
We do use real wine, and we drink from a common cup. If you prefer not to receive the wine, it is OK to just receive the bread.
“I am a visitor. May I receive Communion?”
All baptized persons are welcome to receive communion. All who have not been baptized are invited to join the people at Communion and receive a blessing.
“How do I receive Communion?”
At every Eucharist celebrated at Epiphany, we are invited to gather at the altar rail for Communion. Most kneel, but it is not required. Whether you kneel or stand, you will be offered a wafer of consecrated bread and a sip of consecrated wine. To receive the bread, hold your hands together palm up, and the priest will place it in your palm. To receive the wine, please assist the chalice bearer by grasping the base of the chalice and guiding it to your lips, or you may dip (intinct) the wafer in the wine before consuming it.
If you do not wish to receive the bread and wine but would like a blessing from the priest, cross your hands over your chest.
“I am unable to walk to the altar. Can I still receive Communion?”
Yes. We often have people with limited mobility who receive Communion at their seats. Please tell an usher of your need and he or she will make sure the clergy know.
“Are there any differences in your two services, or are they all the same just at different times?”
Each of our services is unique in some respects. The 8:00 service uses the Rite 1 liturgy, which is older and retains some of the Elizabethan language. The 10:30 service us-es the Rite 2 liturgy of the 1979 BCP, which is a more contemporary version.
“I like traditional music.” “I like contemporary music.”
We’ve got you covered. The music at our 10:30 service is traditional music with organ, piano, and choir. On the fifth Sunday of the month, (Hamburger Sunday) the choir incorporates contemporary music with guitars, piano, and singers. And if you prefer no music, come at 8:00.
“Sit, stand, kneel …. How will I know what to do?”
In general, we stand to sing, praise, and hear the Gospel; we sit during all other readings of scripture and for the sermon; and we may kneel for prayer and to receive Communion. Some stand and some kneel during the Eucharistic Prayer. If you are unsure what to do, follow the example of those around you. If standing or kneeling for periods of time is difficult for you, feel free to remain seated.
“I want my children excited about coming to church. What is available for them? How can The Church of the Epiphany help get them involved?”
We want your children to be excited about coming to church, too, and while we have a nursery for children through age 4, children are welcome at all of our services. If you leave your children in the nursery, we encourage you to bring them to the altar for Communion. We provide bags with crayons and materials for keeping busy hands occupied, or you are welcome to bring your own. Children often hear what is happening around them, even when they seem to be fully occupied with something else.
Children in grades 4 and up are invited to be trained and participate in the service as acolytes on a regular rotation.
We have Christian formation for children ages 5 through 12 during the school year. This is known as “The Children’s Liturgy of the Word. The children and their Catechist are invited to come forward at the time of the Opening Prayer. They are then dismissed to a separate classroom where the Catechist explains the Sunday readings on a level that the children can understand. The Catechist will often engage the children by means of art and music to reinforce the lesson or homily. The children return to church at the Offertory in order to take part in the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
“I’d like to get more involved at The Church of the Epiphany. How do I go about doing so?”
The easiest way to get involved is to contact Fr. Matt. He will meet with you and help you discern where your gifts for ministry lie. A list of the ways you can minister will be given to you. After you discover how you would like to serve at Epiphany, you may need to be trained for certain liturgical ministries (Lector, Eucharist Minister, Eucharistic Visitor, Acolyte). Another way to find out current opportunities to volunteer is to sign up for Epiphany’s e-News which is sent by email once a week. To sign up, just send a request via email to our church secretary. Also, the Church Bulletin frequently has announcements asking for volunteers to help with special events. boards for sign-up sheets for specific events. Finally, Epiphany hosts a Ministry Fair every September showcasing all the ministries in the Church. Representatives of many ministries are on hand to answer any questions you may have. We are a Church of service and we will find a place for you to serve.