(337)369-9966 [email protected]
Ice Cream Sunday

Ice Cream Sunday

Bring your ice cream maker to the parish hall July 31 for the next Hamburger Sunday! The Ministries Committee loves ice cream, and realizes that we all do….so why not a CHURN OFF? Participants are invited to bring your own ice cream maker and favorite ice cream recipe to make ice cream. Silly Awards will be given! We are in need of volunteers to bring: Cones, Cups, Spoons, Napkins, Ice, Salt, Power Strips, and Extension Cord. Hand crank freezers welcome too! Please bring your mixture ready to pour into your ice cream maker so it can get to freezing while everyone enjoys burgers! Ice cream toppings are optional! TEAMS: Consider making your family and friends a team. Recruiting members with good recipes is encouraged! No limit to the number of team members and team members can be on more than one team if they want. We are hoping to get a lot of teams participating!!! Click: Ice Cream Sunday Entry...
Summer Neighborhood Gatherings

Summer Neighborhood Gatherings

Summer Neighborhood Gatherings: If you remember, I held 6 neighborhood gatherings of Epiphany Parishioners and guests during my first summer here as your rector (2013) in an effort to get to know you better in the comfort of your home. I would again like to invite you to take part in these gatherings by offering the hospitality of your homes to host 4-6 informal neighborhood gatherings. Please call the Church Office if you would like to host a small neighborhood gathering. You may invite your neighbors, Episcopal Church friends, or if you would like to attend one of the Summer Neighborhood Gatherings that is convenient for you and your family, please call the host to let him/her know you will be attending. Host will not be required to provide a meal- coffee, tea, desserts only. Thank you! All of Epiphany’s Summer Gatherings will begin at 6:00 p.m. -Thursday, June 16th at the home of Martha B. -Thursday, June 30th at the home of Mac and Julie...
Epiphany’s 2016 Fourth of July Celebration

Epiphany’s 2016 Fourth of July Celebration

Epiphany’s Annual Fourth of July Celebration 4th of July Celebration at the home of Mary E., on the day itself, which falls on a Monday. The celebration will begin at 12 noon and will continue on until the food runs out or the ice cream melts. Bring any Picnic Pot-Luck, extra lawn chairs, and drinks of your choice.  Lemonade, water, and iced tea will be provided, as well as a water slide for the young and young at heart to enjoy. Remember to wear your red, white and blue. For more information and directions, please call the Church Office...
The Conclusion to The Great 50 Days of Easter: Pentecost Sunday!

The Conclusion to The Great 50 Days of Easter: Pentecost Sunday!

Pentecost Sunday, the wonderful conclusion to the Great 50 days of Easter.  On this day, we drink of the Spirit of the living God.  And this Spirit is the fruit of the victory Christ won by his death and resurrection.  Pentecost cannot, therefore, be separated from Easter.  But why did the disciples receive the Spirit?  This Sunday reminds us that the disciples received the Spirit in order to inaugurate the universal mission of the Church.  As modern day recipients of the same Spirit, we ask God to shatter all barriers and lead the Church, and the Church of the Epiphany, where God wills. Having rested in awe before the One who transforms our every crucifixion into resurrection and makes possible the handing over of our lives in love for yet another day, another year, the rest of our lives, we stand ready to inaugurate again the great work that God has entrusted into our lives.  And don’t forget to wear your red.   (Adapted from the St. Andrew Bible Missal, p. 379, 464). – Peace, Fr....
The Future Can Rewrite Our Past

The Future Can Rewrite Our Past

In Gospel Memories, Bishop Jacob shows that there is truth in the idea that our past shapes our future, the gospel is all about the counter-intuitive promise that God is shaping us right now toward God’s vision of who we will become. It is not our past that makes us into the image of God; God’s redeeming love does that. In God, who we are not yet is shaping who we become. Gospel Memories will have special resonance for people at turning points in their lives: career changes, loss of loved ones, graduation, illness, divorce, birth of a child, entering middle years or later years. Life is filled with turning points at which we feel compelled to tell our story in a new and different way. Gospel Memories The Future can rewrite Our Past, is available at Amazon, in Paperback or in Kindle...